2021 Mental/Physical Challenges

Dillon Burns
3 min readJan 8, 2021



Are you onboard or are you already falling behind? I truly hope that you’ve done the work already and eight days into the new year you’re feeling like this is going to be THE YEAR that you dominate all aspects of your life.

Regardless of that, I’ve got a few things I want to share with you as it relates to my year and my selection of quarterly mental/physical challenges.

As you may already know, the creation of TDBM (The Dillon Burns Method) has been a journey taking lessons I’ve learned and building them out into a framework that others can utilize within their own lives.

So if you don’t already, please go to https://www.thedillonburnsmethod.com and check it out. Tons of great resources over there and what’s more, you can read A LOT more about what makes me tick, what drives me, my motivations and experiences, and my personality traits. Pretty cool stuff happening there and the site is updated weekly with new content.


Quarter I Mental/Physical Challenge is set up as the following: RUN 1 MILE EVERY HOUR FOR 24HRS. The final hour I will run 3.2 miles to round out marathon distance of 26.2 miles.

This came to me as I was doing a program called ROMWOD (S/O), which is essentially a flexibility/mobility app that I use for recovery and stretching, but it also has you work on focused, intentional breathing to put you into a meditative state — it’s fucking awesome. Anyway, I was using this time to think about what I could do and it hit me: 1 mile every hour for 24 hours. DONE. My process is literally that easy, although it has to make sense for me to do, meaning it can’t be some easy shit that just anyone would go out into the world and accomplish. Only shit that will put me in the hurt locker, where the REAL pain of life comes out physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. That’s what I’m after.

Quarter II Mental/Physical Challenge is set up as the following: HALF IRONMAN IN DES MOINES, IOWA. 70.3 miles total broken down into a 1.2 mile swim, 50 mile bike, and 13.1 mile run.

Just to be clear, I am NOT signing up for a race; this is a me vs. me thing and I don’t need to pay hundreds of dollars for entry to be swarmed by hundreds of other people and get a medal put on my neck after. Fuck all that. I’m doing this for me and me alone, call me selfish. To that point though, selfish is exactly what I have to be to find my Truth and I hope someday you can have this type of clarity as well. If I could distinguish between a few things it would be this: LIFE, I do believe is a team sport; family, loved ones, kids, friends, communities, etc. SELF-MASTERY is 100% an individual sport that literally NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON ON THIS PLANET CAN HELP YOU WITH THAT.

You vs. You.

These dates are TBD as of yet, but will be in March and June of 2021. Check my personal calendar over at https://www.thedillonburnsmethod.com/schedule for updates on what I’m doing and when.

Quick and easy read here for you today! I hope you’re enjoying everything you’re seeing here and if you do, please leave a comment below and subscribe.


-Dillon Burns



Dillon Burns

Telling a story about BECOMING more HUMAN every day. Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Work, Business, Family, Getting Uncomfortable, and Doing Hard Shit.